There are many ways to support Samboat. The best way is just by being a fan, interacting with content, and by sharing what you like with others. For those looking to financially help, here are some options:
As you can see, there are many ways to support financially. No matter how you support, I appreciate it immensely. It is my dream to play music full time for a living. Your contribution brings me one step closer to doing that.
What Does Supporting Samboat Actually do?

The full covers that Samboat posts don’t generate him any money. 100% of it goes to the copyright holder. Typically, only the Bass Only and Behind the Bass videos generate any ad revenue. For 279K views in a month, I got $29 or $0.0001 per view. This is about 20 times lower than the average YouTube Channel. At that rate, I’d need over 5 million views a month to make enough to live off of. For some perspective, It’s taken over 3 years to reach a total of 5 million views on my channel.
Money that Samboat receives goes towards a few things to help continue the channel. It goes towards new strings, better internet, studio space, recording equipment, content hosting, instrument purchases, Instrument repairs, Instrument set-ups, field research, and allows me to spend time focused on this, rather than a side hustle, or other job.
Eventually, as the total cash inflow increases, it will go towards lessons and classes to learn more skills to create more content (like guitar, piano, singing, songwriting), “purchasing” my time, allowing me to spend more time on this, and eventually to savings.
What does saving money do?
The more that I can save, the sooner I can formally adjust my day job. That could look like going from full time to part time, taking a day off a week, quitting all together, or some other ideas I haven’t thought of yet. That time would then be dedicated towards making content.
what is Samboat’s Earnings goal?
You can look at this a few ways. If I want to never have to work a traditional job again, $3 Million would allow me to do that, no questions. I’d be set for as long as I live.
$3 Million isn’t realistic to achieve, unless I win the lottery, somehow unlock the secret to YouTube and social media, or join a popular band/artist.
More achievable is the 1000 true fan principle. Essentially it’s if I can get 1000 fans to give me $100 per year, then that’s $100,000 per year. That’s definitely enough money to keep the channel going without another job. Of Course, I’d want to create an emergency fund for myself in case something happens (better safe than sorry).
$100 per year is just over $8 per month. That’s my $2 tier on Patreon. If 1000 (~5%) of my 21,000+ subscribers become a patron, I would earn enough by creating videos, to do that full time. For every person who joins the $5 tier, I’d need one less, the $10 tier would count as 4.